Slow living. Is probably a myth.

I came to talk about slow living. About not seizing the day. I think I am done with Carpe diem and all the other bullshit.

I just want to make it through another day. Survive, breathe, get to drink my coffee atleat lukewarm,if not hot, eat all three meals in a day and go to bed not having to worry about items on my to-do list.

Maybe it’s being in the later half of the thirties. I would rather get a good night’s sleep than binge watch a series or even finish a book.

I love putting Tiny to bed, even though most days I end up sleeping before he does. His tiny arms around me and all the stories I get to hear. Best part of the day, if you ask me.

I love routine and have come to strongly detest change of any sort.

I hate it when they don’t have my regulars at the grocery store.

I love Friday nights because I go to bed knowing I don’t have to wake up early.

I don’t have patience for movies anymore. Any of them. No matter how good you claim it to be.

I like silence. And calm. And a quiet house. I am glad we don’t own a TV because I would have done some serious damage to it by now.

I like my fan at minimum speed and the AC at 27, thank you.

I am tired.

Tired of the whole facade.

Maybe it’s time to retire.

Buy a home by the sea or at the foot of some mountain. Listen to the waves or the birds, doesn’t really matter.

But I have a mouth to feed, mine.

So I will go to work on Monday morning.

But until then, one can dream.

Of slow living, hot coffee, and perhaps, completing a book I started a couple of weeks ago.



My phone had a major update related display issue and is under repair. I miss it. The comfort of holding the device and seeing the familiar screen.